Dr. Hull's Book About The Potential Dangers Of Splenda®
Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not?
In Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not? Dr. Janet Hull reveals the scientific evidence strongly suggesting the chemical sweetener sucralose may harm your body. Perhaps there is no “free ticket” to eating all the sugar-free products you want without paying a high price physically – even weight gain.
Don’t despair – in Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not? Dr. Hull gives you plenty of safe alternatives to keep life “sweet” visit Is Splenda Safe.com.
Before you tear open that little yellow packet of sweetener and stir it into your coffee, please read this.
Do you want to:
- Avoid certain diseases and maintain health and vitality well into your later years?
- Save your children from a slow poisoning from hidden toxins in their food?
- Discover scientific data about overlooked poisons in your everyday life?
- Avoid those vague health symptoms of illness that puzzle your doctor?
- Be informed with inside information mainstream media won’t tell you?
- Have control over your health through knowledge?
- Desire to enjoy your grandchildren (and great-grandchildren)?
- Not allow advertisers to “teach” you what’s good for you?
Interested? Then we need to talk about a sweetener war sweeping across America. Perhaps you can sip on that cup of coffee black until we straighten out the confusing selection of artificial sweeteners out there. This information is a tool to protect your health – and your children’s health – from a hidden danger that marketing experts have packaged attractively and seductively. You’ll be shocked at what the “quiet side” of scientific research reveals.
It’s time to admit that there is no free ticket to eating all the sugar-free products you desire without paying the high price of harming your body in the long run. The “technology of foods” (artificial sweeteners and manmade foods) has gone too far, and will not secure eternal health, beauty, slimness, or youth. Laboratory sugar-free chemicals are not your answer.
This information will “wake you up” more than that mug of java you’re holding. But don’t despair – there are plenty of safe alternatives to keep life “sweet.”
The dangers of aspartame are now widely known, but the risks of using Splenda are not documented – until now. Splenda may not penetrate the blood brain barrier as aspartame does, hence entering the brain and creating neurotoxin havoc at the brain center, but Splenda CAN adversely affect the body in several ways because it IS a chemical substance and not natural sugar.
December newsletter Equal Sues Splenda
The same patterns with aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal) are repeating with sucralose (Splenda). Their claims of product safety and research results are identical to those used by The NutraSweet Company. Note the comparisons and repetitions between the products, the corporations, and marketing. Maybe now, consumers can prevent damage to human health sooner than with NutraSweet, which has damaged the health and lives of millions of innocent consumers since it was placed in the public food supply in 1982.
Has the FDA repeated the aspartame approval process for sucralose, allowing a product with proven carcinogens to flood our food supply? Only time will tell, as it has with aspartame. Yet at the cost of human lives.
Knowledge is power. As an educated consumer, you have the awareness to choose what you and your family will ingest. Unnatural artificial sweeteners may affect your health. Why take the chance? With this book, you woke up and smelled the coffee just in time. Now you can drink it safely.
SPLENDA® Is It Safe or Not?
After twenty years of NutraSweet® (aspartame) dominating the sweetener market, people are realizing for themselves that aspartame really is a foul food chemical tragically harmful to their health. Now, people think Johnson & Johnson’s Splenda, made from sucralose, has come to the rescue as the newest chemical sugar replacement “made from real sugar.” People don’t want to hear that it may be just as dangerous as aspartame, and this white knight of sweeteners is no better improvement.
New chemical sweeteners (like Splenda) and the sweetener blends (aspartame, sucralose and acesulfame K blended together in one product) may be causing users to show signs of weight gain, disruption of sleep patterns, sexual dysfunction, increases in cancer, MS, Lupus, diabetes, and a list of epidemic degenerative diseases. The corporations continue to stand tough in their denial of any connection to chemical sweetener additives.
This website takes you into the world of Splenda; ready or not, here we go again.
The Chlorine In Splenda
Chlorine is commonly found in nature, but almost always in combination with other building block elements. Chlorine's structure makes it very reactive and because it is so reactive, it is very useful to chemists, engineers and others involved in making things humans use every day.
The inventors of Splenda admit around fifteen percent (15%) of sucralose is absorbed by the body, but they cannot guarantee us (out of this fifteen percent) what amount of chlorine stays in the body and what percent flushes out.
So, do you feel lucky today as you sprinkle that yellow packet of powder in your tea? You will be alarmed once you realize how chlorine, this common chemical we’ve trusted as a “purifier”, is actually affecting our health in more ways than you know. Hopefully, this chapter will make you hesitate before you let your toddler take another sip of your diet cola.
What Are Sweetener Blends?
I’ve written about how artificial sweeteners like sucralose (found in Splenda) and aspartame (found in NutraSweet) can have a negative impact on your health. Now the sweetener industry has gone a step further in their quest to copy real sugar’s sweet flavor. They are mixing Splenda and NutraSweet and other artificial sweeteners together! Mixtures of any artificial sweeteners are called “sweetener blends.”
Instead of one harmful chemical coursing through your body, you now have two or three (or more) interacting with each other, and in ways we may not know yet. If one substance is hazardous, do you think adding toxins to it will make it better? It is just one more potent “alien” mixture with unknown interactions that your poor body will try to use, excrete, or store. Its mix n’ match chemistry at the expense of your health.
The Unsafe Sweeteners Out There
Artificial sweeteners: This category of non-nutritive, high-intensity sugar substitutes includes ASPARTAME, ACESULFAME-K, NEOTAME, SUCRALOSE, and ALITAME. The two sweeteners that have recently undergone current and pending FDA approval are SUCRALOSE and ALITAME, respectively. Cyclamate lost its FDA approval in 1970, but is currently up for re-approval. Numerous new sweeteners are currently in various stages of development and approval.
Saccharin, Stevia and Other Safe Alternative Sweeteners
Sugar and the quest for weight loss represent an enormous growth opportunity for the food and beverage manufacturers worldwide. And as everyone in the industry knows, the average human prefers taste to nutrition. Let’s see how we can reverse this trend.
The two safest choices of sweeteners to date are saccharin and stevia. Yes, saccharin! Saccharin is actually similar to stevia in its origin. It originally came from a plant imported from China, and in its original form, is a complex sugar extract from the plant itself. Stevia is extracted from a plant grown in South America, and is also a complex sugar extract.
According to FDA documents, saccharin has never caused cancer. Years ago, saccharin was sold in tiny pin-sized pellets, and merely two or three were enough to add sweetness to coffee or iced tea. This is what I consider a natural sucrose (sugar) substitute!
The Real Scoop On Sugar
Everyone needs to know that there is a difference between sugars - natural sugar, refined sugar, and corn syrup. Sugar is like a two-sided coin: heads – if natural, it can be useful to the body, and tails – if altered by man, it can be harmful to the body. How do you know the difference, and where can you buy the right kind of sugar products? Here’s the scoop...artificial sweeteners are not the solution.
Dying To Be Thin: Weight Loss and Weight Gain
Do diet sweeteners really help you lose weight, or do you eat more and gain weight in the long run? Do diet sweeteners make you fat? Yes, because they trick your body and don’t feed it what it needs
According to researchers, there is no clear-cut evidence that sugar substitutes help people lose weight. These days, more and more data suggests that these chemical sweeteners may actually stimulate appetite. Aspartame has been on the market for over twenty years, so most of the information in this chapter refers to weight gain in relation to products made with aspartame. It is too early to know how these patterns will repeat with sucralose (Splenda).
Are Your Kids Depressed and Aggressive?
If you have kids, you’ll be the first one to notice health and behavioral changes in your children. Children are reacting to artificial sweeteners in harmful ways, but this aspect of the sweetener wars has gone unnoticed in the mainstream health community. The sweetener corporations market to children by placing soft drink machines in public elementary schools, and by influencing doctors that diet sweeteners don’t cause abnormal behavior and emotional stress in children. When you have exhausted all the other reasons for your child’s poor health or mental/emotional problems, then diet chemicals could be the culprit.
The rising numbers of mental disorders have gone unexplained until now. A diet of chemical foods means a diet of malnutrition, and when the body is starved of nutrients, it becomes mentally and physically stressed. Don’t raise your children on diet chemicals – search for healthy alternatives.
Sugar-Free With Diabetes
Diabetes may be a common disease these days, but it is still misunderstood. Most people think diabetes is simply a disease that means you just can’t eat sugar. The artificial sugar industry markets fake sugars as totally harmless to the diabetic, and tempts them into believing they can eat and drink all they want by “tricking” their bodies. But what works for one person may not work for another. What makes this matter even more difficult to understand: diabetes is just a little bit different for every diabetic. This is why no one artificial sweetener company can truly make a blanket statement that their product is “safe for diabetics.”
As delicate as diabetes is, how then, can diet chemical sweeteners be safe when a person with diabetes requires such precise chemical management?
Who Will Win The Sweetener Wars?
The immediate dramatic success of Splenda has shaken things up in the artificial-sweetener business, dominated for decades by the rivalry between the blue and pink - Equal and Sweet'N Low®. Each of these brands has come up with a new marketing approach to deal with the ravenous dynamics of the ‘diet’ marketplace. Are they playing fair or playing on consumer trust?
In the midst of the continued controversy over aspartame, many pharmaceutical and health food manufacturers - Pro Lab, Twin Lab
and Ross Products, makers of Pedialyte®, for example - have switched to using sucralose in their manufactured products. But who are these major big corporations ‘fighting’ in the artificial sweetener wars, and what do these mega corporations really stand for? This is an important question to answer before buying their products.
Rising From The Grave’s Disease
Justin Dumais is a 2004 Athens' Olympic Silver Medalist, a Grave’s Disease survivor, and aspartame victim. Merely months before the Olympic trials, Justin contacted me for nutritional help in recovering from a diagnosis of Grave’s Disease caused by diet colas with aspartame. He read my first book Sweet Poison, followed my recovery experience from my own case of Grave’s caused by aspartame, and cured his disease in six weeks (just like I did) by simply removing aspartame from his diet, cleansing, and restoring his depleted nutrients. His recovery from a “false” diagnosis of Grave’s Disease came merely months before the 2004 Athen’s Olympic Trials. But, like me, did Justin really have Grave’s or merely aspartame disease?
Nutritional Alternatives To Stay Healthy
Nutritional diets are critical to long-term health, but when you are polluted with chemical toxins from your foods, such as chlorine in sucralose and methanol in aspartame, it is important to remove these toxins as quickly and as safely as possible. Removing chemicals from the human body is a two part process – eating right and cleansing from the chemicals permeating your tissues.
Go here for the nutritional protocol for restoring good health I used to recovery from my own near-fatal disease. I pass on to you the best of my nutritional programs and recommendations for removing harmful food chemicals from your body in the 10 Steps to Detoxification and The Richardson Cancer Diet, most importantly – how to cleanse from artificial sweetener chemicals.
Splenda Product List
As of May 2004, the list of over 3,000 products containing Splenda was thirty-four pages in length. Note: some of the products are not labeled sugar-free, and some products also contain aspartame. The best advise is to read ALL the labels on anything you buy for you or for your children’s safety.
The list includes a variety of foods and food products, pharmaceuticals and children’s medications, vitamin supplements, protein powders, protein bars and weight loss products, liquid and powdered drinks, popcorn, gums and mints, toothpaste, and water.
Aspartame Case Histories
Case histories are an excellent way to share the experiences of those who have faced one of life’s hardest challenges – nutritionally turning disease into health. Most of these case histories have happy endings, and after considering the evidence, especially after their long and arduous struggles for health, what these people have learned serves as a beacon of hope for others.
Aspartame has been on the market since 1981, so over twenty years of aspartame use has passed. Let’s hope our new awareness of the influences of sucralose and the other chemical sweeteners comes much sooner to prevent any more human suffering.
NutraSweet Product List
The original product list containing NutraSweet’s twenty-year product monopoly is impossible to find these days. Taken from my book on aspartame, Sweet Poison, the original list of NutraSweet’s novel 5,000 products from the 1980s was sent to me directly from the NutraSweet Company.
Splenda Research Studies
Bottom line – what’s the research say about sucralose? Well, the studies proving the safety concerns are out there, but they are hard to find and technical. Nonetheless, they prove the claims of concern are valid and I have spent the past 10 months uncovering the research thanks to my contacts around the world.
With this website, you woke up and smelled the coffee just in time. Now you can drink it safely.

- 01/15/09 - New Splenda, Sucralose Study Reveals Shocking Potential Harmful Effects
- 08/15/08 - Update on Splenda Lawsuit Filed by Sugar Industry
- 06/27/08 - Splenda Advertising Legislative Hearings in California
- 06/19/07 - Some Soft Drinks May Seriously Harm Your Health
- 05/15/07 - Equal, Splenda Settle Lawsuit Over Ad Claims
- 04/ 6/07 - Makers of Artificial Sweeteners Go To Court
- 03/26/07 - Citizens For Health Says Splenda Causing Health Problems
- 01/30/07 - Sweetener Soured
- 09/24/06 - Bristol, Connecticut, schools join state program to limit artificial sweeteners, sugar, fats for 8800 students
- 08/ 7/06 - Excess Soda Could Raise Esophageal Cancer Risk